Brigitta Wolfram


Confronting the phantoms of fear, grief and anxiety, my paintings are a feeble attempt to placate my subconscious. Recurring themes of alienation, remorse, the earth’s possible demise and our potential for transformation are explored in an eclectic and irreverent approach. Whilst most of the work is non-representational, I aim to place the creatures, demons and demigods who inhabit some of the work, in an evocative realm, of spatial ambiguity, rich in texture. Collage, also adds an element of surprise and vitality to the images I create.

Purity of purpose, honesty and spontaneity are qualities I value. Uncertainty and unpredictability are driving my experimental creative output, and quietly, an idiosyncratic voice is emerging. My influences are a curious amalgam. I have always been interested in mythology; hence, subtle allegorical references are present. Art Brut, conveying a direct link to the unconscious. The austerity and drama of Giotto’s paintings. The later work of Anselm Kiefer, Russian Icons, Leon Golub, Cy Twombly and Antonin Tapies. Whether quirky or macabre anything can penetrate my psyche, as long as it has an edge. 

Click here for artwork by Brigitta Wolfram

Exhibitions at Tacit Art

2024 The Offspring of Instinct

 Confronting the phantoms of fear, grief and anxiety, my paintings are a feeble attempt to placate my subconscious. Recurring themes of alienation, remorse, the earth’s possible demise and our potential for transformation are explored in an eclectic and irreverent approach. Whilst most of the work is non-representational, I aim to place the creatures, demons and demigods who inhabit some of the work, in an evocative realm, of spatial ambiguity, rich in texture. Collage, also adds an element of surprise and vitality to the images I create.


2018 I Will Be the Waves & You Will Be A Strange Shore


2015 When the Time of Refreshing Shall Come


2024 The Offspring of Instinct - Tacit Art, Melbourne
2018 I Will Be the Waves & You Will Be A Strange Shore - Tacit Art, Melbourne
2015 When the Time of Refreshing Shall Come - Tacit Art, Melbourne
2014 Red Gallery, Melbourne
2012 Richmond Library, Melbourne


2025 Summer Salon - Tacit Art, Melbourne
2016 Mornington Art Fair
2015 Quadrant Gallery, Melbourne
2014 Quadrant Gallery, Melbourne
Muse Gallery, Millawa, Vic
Postcard Show, New Linden Art, Melbourne
Cardinia Art Show
2013 Grand Edrington Art Show - [Winner - First Prize, Avant Garde]
2012 Grand Edrington Art Show - [Winner - First Prize, Mystical]
2011 9 x 5 - Walker St Gallery, Dandenong
2010 The Civic Artspace, Melbourne
9 x 5 - Walker St Gallery, Dandenong
Contemporary Art Society Annual Exhibition - Melbourne [Winner - First Prize]