Elizabeth Tarrant - A Way of Seeing


Wednesday 5 - Saturday 22 October 2022

Click here for artwork by Elizabeth Tarrant 

Elizabeth Tarrant has established a fresh way of envisaging a chosen landscape so familiar after many visitations. These new methods in turn open up the opportunity to view that place in an expanded way.

Beginning with paintings created plein-air during high summer at Lake Catani in alpine Mount Buffalo, Tarrant has invested the paint with patterning of semi-regular dots, reconsidering the landforms and their construction. Actuality is called into question as the paint causes shifts in perception amid what the eye can truly see and what the brain perceives and experiences in between. This work calls attention to journeying, to nostalgia and to the fluctuating change of nature observed across repeated expeditions. 

(First paragraphs of the catalogue essay written by Kerrilee Ninnis)