Merrian Dennis - 'Dry Stone Walls Pt II'

Wednesday 16 June - Saturday 3 July 2021 - NEW DATES

Click here for artwork by Merrian Dennis

Part II is a continuation of a series of works of dry stone walls by Merrian Dennis. Part I, presented at Tacit in January 2021, was a series of paintings. Part II varies in terms of the work is a series of drawings. Much of what Dennis wrote in January continues through this body of work.

Within a Volcanic Landscape - dry stone walls in South West Victoria is a body of work that is a confident and expressive interpretation of iconic masonry structures found within the distinctive volcanic landscape of SW Victoria.

Using bold black lines to highlight and outline selected random forms of the volcanic stones, these are contrasted by the textures, obvious within the scoria and basalt rocks; complexities of the harsh and ancient landscape of the Western Plains. 

The boldness of the volcanic landscape, which I have echoed in my paintings, is strong and richly filled with multiples layers showing the wear and tear and exposure of our rugged and beautiful landscape. These heavily textured basalt rocks are where I draw my inspiration from and form the basis of this body of work. (Merrian Dennis, December 2020)

South West Victoria, and in particular Pomborne, is home to the most impressive and extensive network of dry stone walls in the Stoney Rises on the Princes Highway east of Camperdown. Volcanic cones, of which there are many, spouted out lava which then formed these stones covering the Western Plains.