Sharman Feinberg - 'Window'
Thursday 9 November - Sunday 17 December 2017
Click here for artwork by Sharman Feinberg
'Eyes are the windows of the soul and windows are the eyes of its dwelling place. Windows reflect ourselves. Windows make us look beyond ourselves. Windows are a bridge to the world beyond. Windows are in-between security and the unknown. Windows are a prison or a means of escape. Windows let in the fresh air or keep in the warmth. The window gives me a frame to shape my still life compositions around and to frame views of the outside world.
Over the centuries, windows have evolved from simple stone niches to complicated multi-paned glass apertures. They add another layer of pattern to my compositions and provide the light and shade that gives drama to a painting. Looking at the window paintings by Matisse, Bonnard and Dufy, I see how they endlessly incorporated them into their compositions. I have just begun.'