The Exquisite Palette

Wednesday 6 June - Sunday 1 July 2018 

Back in 2007, Louise Blyton, David Coles and their staff of St Luke at the time sat down for after-work drinks. They got to thinking how great it was that as a small art store, run by artists for artists in Melbourne, they could survive and thrive. They knew it was because of the great support of their customers and they knew they wanted to do something special for them to say thank you. But what?

“Let’s put on a show they all yelled.…..but it has to be different….and fun...hmmm…What’s the most clich , kitsch, yet romantic object we could ask our customers to make into an artwork? Yep, an artist’s palette!”

Thus, The Exquisite Palette show was born. The first The Exquisite Palette show was strictly St. Luke customers and staff. They had 97 palettes arrive back and were blown away with the diversity and beauty of the works.

Due to the popularity of that first show, they changed to an artists’ open call for the next exhibition. It grew…and grew, with the last show having 300 artists participate from all over Australia. The last three shows have been in St Luke Collingwood store on Smith Street.

As St. Luke is turning 18 this year, they decided to treat their artists and show off their work by placing the show in a gallery. As the 2018 version opens, (2007, 2010, 2013 and 2018), they have exhibited palettes that have been crocheted, printed, burnt, waxed, painted, chopped, cast, embroidered, collaged and sculptured. Palettes have been embellished not only with paint but bugs, blood, nails, glitter, teeth, leaves, ashes, rubber, screws, glass, coal, bark, hair, buttons, feathers, lollies, squid ink, rust, shells, model trees and more!Each year, they thought they had seen it all, but each exhibition shows more and more the ways these amazing artists can come up with their own individual take on this theme. St Luke are delightfully surprised and sometimes breathless at the pure imagination of the talent out there. This year, St Luke is very pleased to include, for the first time, international artists.

Participating artists: Rose Agnew, Lucy Allnutt, Gary Anderson, Lisa Anderson, Michael Armstrong, Ros Atkins, Anni Atkinson, Bronwyn Bain, Deidre Bain, Linda Baker, Steve Baker, Louis Balis, Susan Banks, Susan Barbic, Liliana Barbieri, Steven Baris, Jennifer Bartholomew, Lillian Bateson, TJ Bateson, Angela Beck, Kaitlin Beckett, Caroline Bell, Emily Berger, Robby Bennett, Sue Beyer, Helena Black, Kylie Blackley, Tiffany Blaise, Colin Blyton, Louise Blyton, Liz Bodey, Owen Bomford, Richard Bottwin, Aneta Bozic, Cameron Brideoake, Claire Bridge, Caragh Brooks, Terri Brooks, Rob Brown, Vair Buchanan, Elly Buckley, Michelle Burns, Joshua Burrowes, Richard Butler Bowden, Brendan Byatt, Marion Chapman, Anna Caione, Wyndham Cameron, Janet Campbell, August Carpenter, Ray Carter, Allegra Cheung, Gaye Chilvers, Voula Christopholous, David Coles, Di Colk, Simon Collins, Lizzie Connor, Sarah Cooffey, Adrian Corke, Monica Cormack, Creature Creature, CVPL, Craig Daniels, Patricia Denis, Rachel Derum, Yzabela Dior, Rebecca Donald,  Louise Donovan, Lucy Dinito, Paul Duldig, Kirsten Dunkley, Jen Drysdale, Georgina Duckett, Amos Duggan, Sandra Duncan, Nadia Dusselberg, Nicolette Eisdell, Olivia Fechner, Sue Fechner, Robert Fenton, Irene Ferguson, Kate Ficai, Kevin Finklea, Fioski, Rosemary Fisher, Mick Fitzgerald, Leo Flander, Claire Flint, Louise Foletta, Karen Foley, Shelley Forgot, Betra Fraval, Kate Gabb, Katherine Gailer, Jan Garood, Piero Garreffa, Beata Geyer, Christine Gibbs, E.M.Gill, Karen Gingell, Erika Gofton, Ruth Gold, Rhonda Goodall-Kirk, Alizon Gray, Rod Gray, Steve Gray, Antonia Green, Robyn Grove, Billy Gruner, Virginia Guest, Andrew Gutteridge, Lynette Haggard, Stewart Handasyde, Mark Handford, Philadelphia Hanson-Viney, Benita Harding, Adriana Hardy, Trudy Harley, Marianne Harris, Rosemary Harris-Arnott, Rebecca Heartley, Jeanne Heifetz, Sasha Heath Hello Tomato, Ruth Hiller, Yumemi Hiraki, Joshua Hodson-Smith, Polly Hollyoak, Chingyu Hsieh, Kiera Hudson, Andrea Hughes, Kez Hughes, Dale Hunt, Sean Ilin, Tina Inserra, Ivan & Carrie, Chris James, Chloe Janetzki, Fiona Jeffery, Rachel Jessie-Rae, Matthew Johnson, Bea Jones, Rebecca Jones, Shane Jones, Sarah Jonstone, Almay Jordaan, Dinusha Joseph, Nada Jovic, Daniel Kamateros, Ash Keating, Julie Keating, Thais Keech, Sarah Keighery, Wendy Kelly, Mel Kerr, Hyun Ju Kim, Heather King, Serene Kitchen, Deborah Klein, E Knight, Helen Kocis Edwards, Voula Konstantopoulos, Damon Kowarsky, KPC, Bronni Krieger, Judith Kruger, Louise Kryiakou, Suyin Lam, Maurice Lammerts von Beuren, David Lancashire, Emma Langridge, Marie Larkin, Keith Lawrence, Zanin Lawrence-Politis, Nerissa Lea, Alex Leaderman, Sarina Lirosi, Chai Lo, Glenn Locklee, Linda Loh, Dawn Looper, Gail Lorimer-Clarke, Janaka Lovell, Susan Jane Lowe, Georgie Lucock, Fleur MacDonald, Yoshi Machida, Kate Mackay, Rachel Mackay, Donna Malone, James Marks, Belinda Marshall, Ellequa Martin, Fiona Martin, Joanna Mattera, Jacinta Maude, Robyn McCutchan, Helen McInnis, Graham McKenzie, Helen Mee, Nicholas Megchelse, Troy Mendham, Cristina Mere, Andrea Miller, Paula Mills, James Minson, Wendy Mitchell, Paul Moncrieff, Soula Montalvanos, Emma Morrison, Christine Mortan, Jackie Moss, Deb Mostert, Wendy Muir, Florentina Munteanu, Mark Murphy, Christine Myerscough, Karen Neal, Emily N3ver, Chloe Newby, Gabrielle Niemyer, Hannah Nilsson, Inbal Nissim, Simon O'Carrigan, Cheri O'Donnell, Kerrie O'Keefe, Lisa O'Keefe, Veronica O'Leary, Max O'Reilly, Caleb Osbourne, Helen Otway, Luisa Paine, Theo Papathomas, Katelynn Partanen, Gaye Paterson, Catalina Perez, Catherine Pilgrim, Bernadette Pilli, Shirley Ploog, Bev Plowman, Nick Plowman, Cat Poljski, Gabrielle Pounsett, KT Prescott, John Rabling, Palma Ragno, Debbie Raimonda, Debra Ramsay, Ann Ravenshield, Yael Rayman, Gary Reef, Mads Rehorek, Alla Reid, Jo Reitze, Nellie Rogerson, Marina Rolfe, Lesley Rosochodski, Claudia Rubenstein, Jane Rusden, Michelangelo Russo, Brook Ryan, Kate Ryan, Michael Ryan, Tamsin Salehian, Tanya Salehian, Karen Salter, Michelle Sanger, Lina Savery, Stella Scanlon, Anna Scheen, Lotte Schuerdtfeger, Hayley Scilini, Dylan Senthilan, Mina Shafer, Margot Sharman, Lisa Sharp, Christopher Shelton, Taylor Singh, Louise Skacej, Lata Smetty, Sarah Smith, Jennifer Smyth, Liam Snootle, Kristen Solury, Ruth Stanton, Katie Starkey, Jennifer Steger, St Luke, Jacqui Stockdale, Daniela Strauss, Julie Strawinski, Mary-Anne Stuart, Peter Summers, Fiona Summerville, Wilma Tabacco, Trevor Tagliabue, Elizabeth Tarrant, Amanda Tattam, Pearl Taylor, James Tinsley, Sandra Tobias, Chris Tomaya, Lizzie Tongway, Lena Torikov, Sam Trafford, Bernadette Trela, Gail Tremblath, Olga Tsara, Tom Tsiavos, Rebecca Van Der Werff, Tony Antinius Van Duynhoven, Amanda Van Gils, Agee Villanueva, Eugene von Nagy, Eugene Barilo Von Reisberg, Elizabeth Von Roosendael, Khanh Vu, Penny Walker-Keefe, Janine Wallace, Steve Warburton, David Wark, Linda Weil, Rosie Weiss, Irene Wellm, Ian Wells, Luke Whitten, Barbie Wilson, Brianne Wilson, Rebecca Wilson, Mark Wingrave, Michael Wolff, Sophia Xeros-Constaninides, Peter Young, Bec Yule, Jenny Zhe Chang, Wang Zhen, Tamar Zinn, David Zmood, Lin Yong Zong, Michelle Zuccolo, Vaidas Zuirblis